Before & After Facelift – Tutti Frutti

The Call

Retail design is never boring. It is always very satisfying when a Client calls me up all excited to thank me for a project I have designed. This happened recently to a Client in Robina Town Centre. They own the Tutti Frutti food court tenancy. It was dark and dated and its position made it difficult for customers to see as they entered the food court.

Retail Design Facelift
Before image showing the tenancy was ‘colorful’ yet surprisingly not so impactful.


On top of this, they had closed down for a few weeks as there was an accident in a tenancy upstairs that caused flood damage to the Tutti Frutti tenancy downstairs. This became a blessing in disguise of sorts. It allowed the owners of Tutti Frutti to look at doing a minor facelift to see if the issues could be addressed and solutions found for them to help increase business.

Retail Design Facelift
The store looked dark and was difficult to see in the food court.

Simple Solutions Big Impact

The main issues we identified through consultation was the visibility. We couldn’t do anything about the position of the tenancy but we could address visibility through increasing light levels and a simple rebranding of the store. The light levels were increased by replacing the existing lighting with energy efficient yet higher intensity LED lighting throughout the store. Additionally, the store was very ‘colourful’ yet by simplifying the colour scheme to an eloquent pastel blue it gave the business a fresh new lease on life. The neutral blue allowed the frozen yoghurt dispenser (which we retained the mosaic tiles) to ‘pop’. It also allowed more focus on the range of colourful toppings.

Retail Design Facelift
The store was so colourful that surprisingly watered down the impact. All the elements were competing against each other. The attention no longer was on the product.

Design Principles

Contrast is a simple design principle that if used correctly can have a great impact. The Client was on a tight budget, so using high impact design principle need not always break the bank. This is the beauty of design – sometimes simple tweaks can create the desired impact without making a big impact on your wallet.

Retail Design Facelift
It was all too busy and there was nowhere for the eye to rest.

Staged Progress

In order to open up shop again and start trading the project was staged. The first stage included replacing the damaged section of plasterboard ceiling and lighting caused by the flood, and repainting. The image at the top of the article shows a before and after shot of the first stage. The second stage will be done as income begins coming in again and will include additional overhead signage, a menu panel, new floor finishes, and a new counter.

Retail Design Facelift
This is an ‘after’ shot in progress. The tenancy has been given a fresh new coat of paint that provides a contrast allowing the frozen yoghurt dispenser and toppings to ‘pop’.

Designing Profits

Over the years what we have found is that those Clients who understand the importance of good retail design often see their business increase in sales when they engage the right designer. The right designer takes the time and effort to understand the Client’s business and use their expertise to engage the Client’s customers.

Retail Design Facelift
Another shot of stage 1 facelift in progress. Replacing the lighting with brighter energy efficient lights goes to show that simple design solutions will save you costs as well as provide the impact you are after.

Before & After

We have also seen potential Clients who don’t appreciate the impact that good design can have on their business and wonder why they are struggling. With so much ‘noise’ for customers to be distracted by how are you going to turn their heads to hear you? At The Design Creative our many years of experience can help you to transform your business, where you can remember how your business was before and after engaging our services.

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