Is Your Business Loveable?

When business ceases to be work and becomes love, we no longer have customers but attract lovers. Business Loveability How loveable is your business? What is it that attracts customers to your business and sees then return again and again as lovers? What is it about your business that inspires …

THE FRESH FACTORY Capalaba Central

With the ferocious competition for consumers’ attention branding and having a clear message is more important than ever. This is where even the name of a business must speak clearly and concisely to the consumer. The Fresh Factory came about through consultation with the Client to get to the heart …

Creativity In Crisis

Seeds of Opportunity At this time in human history, as we find ourselves navigating unchartered waters, I am excited by new possibilities and ways of thinking not contemplated before. As Marilyn Munroe once said, “Within crisis, are the seeds of opportunity”. What is happening in Australia and around the world …

Cosmetic or Major Surgery: The Case for Retail Facelifts

Retail facelifts are becoming more and more prevalent in the retail sphere. With the renewal of a lease term, rather than gutting a tenancy and starting from scratch there are major benefits for the tenant and the environment in keeping the ‘bones’, and updating or doing a ‘cosmetic’ facelift rather …

Before & After Design Facelift

Before The Retail Design Facelift Medispecs at Robina Town Centre has been operating for about 15 years. There lease was soon up again for renewal and as part of the shopping centre landlord’s agreement was that the shop had to be given a facelift/refurbishment. It had been given a small …

Turning Ideas Into Gold

Home Sweet Home As many of you already know, I have been on a 6 month sabbatical last year walking from London to Jerusalem. It was inspiring to come back late last year and visit a project I was working on before I left at Westfield Chermside. Even after over …

Breaking The Rules Of Retail Design

Shopping centres have stringent retail design regulations in order to ensure a consistent customer experience. These regulations ensures that the shopping centre maintains a quality of finish throughout the centre. Recently, we completed a cafe design that broke these rules in order to find a solution to an area of …

Quiet Design

Quiet Design Quiet design is design that is pared down and subtle. It isn’t loud and garish. It doesn’t scream ‘look at me’. It is humble yet quietly confident. It speaks little but delivers volumes. Counter-Intuitive Design Quiet design in a retail environment is counter-intuitive. With businesses screaming for customers …

Attention To Detail – Hallmark of Good Design

Attention To Detail Attention to detail is a major factor in the success of any business. Let me elaborate on this. Attention to detail shows customers that you really care about them. It shows that you are really passionate about your business and what you do. Attention to detail has …

Retail Food Design on the Gold Coast

Retail Food Design Evolution Retail food design has come a long way on the Gold Coast. Food in general has evolved quite dramatically over the past decade as customers become more sophisticated. No doubt brought on by tv shows such as Matser Chef, we have become more educated when it …