Cosmetic or Major Surgery: The Case for Retail Facelifts

retail design kiosk facelift
retail design facelift

Retail facelifts are becoming more and more prevalent in the retail sphere.

With the renewal of a lease term, rather than gutting a tenancy and starting from scratch there are major benefits for the tenant and the environment in keeping the ‘bones’, and updating or doing a ‘cosmetic’ facelift rather than ‘major’ surgery.

I see this trend continuing into 2019 as shopping centre Landlords find it necessary to provide terms that keep good tenants at the end of their existing lease. With the high costs of re-fitting a tenancy,  retail facelifts make great economic sense.

Retail facelift
Retail design kiosk facelift

Sushi Yaki at Tweed Mall is one of those projects and situations. From the before and after images you can see how we kept the structure of the kiosk and created a new ‘shell’, thus breathing new life into the business.

I popped in to have a look at the facelift recently and chatted to the owner. He was over the moon with the result and was brimming ear to ear. He said both the Centre and customers have commented on what a breath of fresh air the facelift has made to the business and this area of the mall.

Before and after retail facelift
Before and after retail design facelift

Facelifts if designed carefully can be a cost effective and environmentally sustainable alternative to a full re-fit. Why have major surgery when you can have cosmetic surgery and still achieve great results.

Is your shop coming up for lease renewal? Is it looking old and tired and in need of a spruce up? It may be time to call in the experts to help breathe new life and energy into your business. We look forward to hearing from you.

Before and after retail design facelift
Before and after retail design facelift

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