Preventitive Medicine

Health Food Shop Design

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.
Thomas Edison

Prevention Is Better Than The Cure

Instinctively humans know what is good and not so good for their health. Nonetheless, many of us continue to not eat the right foods, drink and smoke too much, don’t get exercise, and overwork ourselves. There is a growing movement of people who understand that they need to take repsonsibility for their health. Preventitive medicine means taking health back in your hands. It is about preventing disease in the first place and also to being responsible for your recovery rather than putting your health in the hands of an overworked doctor.

Health Food Central
Retail Designer Gold Coast

Inspired Shopping

Health Food Central’s core message is this and throughout this newly designed and built store there are messages on the wall to inspire you and keep you on track to take responsibility for your own health. The store provides a range of products to keep you healthy. Products range from fresh organic fruit and vegetables, frozen goods, hair and beauty products, supplements and pre-packaged items.

There is a relaxed ambience created by using natural finishes such as a concrete floor, timber cladding and hanging fishbone ferns over the point of sale area. Because of the size of the store we managed to really ‘pack it in’ making the most of every square metre of space.

Retail Designer Gold Coast
Retail Designer Gold Coast

Welcoming Atmosphere

The open timber clad shopfront sets the scene as you enter the store. There are no glass displays which from experience become cluttered and are not rotated very often. This allows for the small shop to feel open and inviting. The blackboard to the right highlights any promotional products. To the right is a bank of units – a fridge, freezer and open fridge display packed with fresh organic products.

Retail Food Designer
Retail Food Designer Gold Coast

The Chilled Experience

The lighting has been dialled down a notch. So rather than bright supermarket lighting customers can have a ‘chilled’ experience as they wander the aisles. Along their journey, the branded messages provide inspiration on the impirtance of taking responsibility for their own health. Preventitive medicine makes you repsonsible for your health and wellbeing. Your pharmacy becomes the health food shop and your local green gricers instead of the pharmacy.

Response from the design of the store has been very positive both from the shopping centre, client and customer feedback.

Health Food Central at Burleigh Town Centre is worth the visit not only to pick up everything you need to stay healthy but simply to enjoy the chilled out ambience.

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