The Split Second Speechless Elevator Speech | RETAIL DESIGN LAB

Fusion Frozen Yogurt
Fusion Frozen yogurt

As humans advance and become more sophisticated  in their communication so does their subconscious sense to decipher clues in their environment. Designers are becoming more important than ever as they brand businesses to compete for attention starved shoppers as they go about their day. Technology has meant that our attention span can be measured in minutes or seconds and retail more than ever must communicate clearly and succinctly what they are about not in a few short sentences but in a split second.

Branding therefore has become the main weapon that designers use in their arsenal to grab passing customers’ attention. Retailers who fail to understand the importance of clear and concise branding of getting their message across are at risk of not maximising their business potential. So if you only have a split second to say what your business is about, a nano second elevator speech, what does your business say to your customers?

This is the thought process that we employed for the design of Fusion Frozen Yogurt.

Fusion Frozen Yogurt fitted out by S & S Shopfitting Concepts
Fusion Frozen Yogurt
Fusion Frozen Yogurt fitted out by S & S Shopfitting Concepts

Fusion Frozen Yogurt combines fresh, tasty and healthy desserts with fun. The bright fruity coloured stripes – tangerine, watermelon and lime – are a dominant feature to attract the eye of passing customers. The bright colours promise that good food doesn’t have to be boring but can be enjoyable. The white finishes of the solid surfaces and mosaic tiles provide a foil to the burst of colour and give the sense that this product will be good for them.

During the busy lunch time trade, the throng of people enjoying lunch often makes it difficult to get a clear view of food court tenancies. Fusion Frozen Yogurt has counteracted this problem by continuing the bright fruity stripes of the wall onto the entire ceiling and thus grabbing people’s attention.

A retail designer’s role is to integrate efficient space planning so that the business functions optimally from a service perspective and incorporating finishes, textures, forms, colour and graphics to create a story that speaks to the retailer’s core market.

Fusion Frozen Yogurt fitted out by S & S Shopfitting Concepts
Fusion Frozen Yogurt fitted out by S & S Shopfitting Concepts
Fusion Frozen Yogurt fitted out by S & S Shopfitting Concepts

Frozen yogurt is a healthy alternative to many desserts and its popularity is matched by the great surge in the number of frozen yogurt bars opening up. The images are courtesy of S & S Shopfitting who fitted out the tenancy and who’s attention to detail ensured that there were zero defects at the end of the fit out.

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