The beauty of being a retail designer is the ability to be able to take ideas and bring them to life.
Sometimes Clients come to us with a clear vision of what they want. More often than not however, many just know for instance that they want to open up a cafe in a specific location and not much more. This is where we come in and coax that little seed of an idea and help it grow.
Recently we were commissioned to design a cafe in Southport on the Gold Coast. The building is currently being constructed and will be a residential tower. The tenancy has a very small footprint and large open frontage.

Outdoor Living
Living in a subtropical climate on the Gold Coast we are blessed with incredible weather. This allows us to have a greater connection with the outdoor environment than for instance residents living in Melbourne. We decided to take this fact as the key point in designing this little cafe to blur the line between indoor and outdoor space.

The name of the building being constructed is Scion.
One of the dictionary meanings of a scion is a young shoot or twig of a plant.
The Client was expecting to call the premises the Scion Cafe. We decided to go beyond the scope of the client’s brief and be more creative and see what other name that we could come up.We proposed Deliciosa Cafe.
Monstera Deliciosa
Many would know the tropical monstera delciosa plant which produces an edible fruit. We decided to design the cafe around this plant as it fitted in perfectly with the building’s botanical name.
Firstly, deliciosa means delicious which fits in perfectly with a cafe which is a business that serves appetising food.
Secondly, it allowed us to work on the concept of further creating a space that blurred the line between inside and outside. In essence, customers could be enjoying a coffee or a breakfast in a subtropical garden surrounds.

Growing Ideas and Bringing Them To Life
This is what good retail designers do.
They take the seed of an idea and help it grow into something that often the clients hadn’t even envisioned. We are enhancers and gardeners. We enhance an idea, we water it and give it sunlight so that it can grow into something beautiful. We add framework around it based on experience to create something that can be built.

Blooming Reality
With your project let The Design Creative help you to grow and turn your idea into a blooming reality.