Zenplicity – the design process

We were commissioned by our Client to design their next Nodaji Sushi food court tenancy in the newly redeveloped Stockland Hervey Bay.

It is exciting working with concepts and refining them in order to create the right balance of the many factors involved from practicality, branding, and budget. The openness to ideas from our Client ensured that we could further develop the Nodaji Sushi brand.

Elements from our previous design were further refined and new elements and finishes have evolved from the design process. Nodaji Sushi is all about fresh natural ingredients combined in simple ways. Carrying on from this philosophy, the Japanese idea of simplicity has been carried through to a refined palette of colours and natural finishes – Japan Black stained hardwood panels, recycled bricks, black marble and black penny mosaics to create a richness and subtlety that comes together to create Nodaji’s unique feel.

Design is about refining the complex to the simple. It is about finding the best solutions to a set of challenges. The design process in simplistic terms is about creating the perfect balance between the varied factors that need to come together to create the ‘sweet spot’ of budget, branding and function. When you reach that design sweet spot you have reached that zen-like space known as ‘design nirvana’ where everything aligns perfectly – you have found the best combinations of ideas to the set of problems at hand.

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